The 2nd Annual Farmworker Caravan and Retreat took place at the St. Francis Retreat Center in San Juan Bautista on May 18-20, 2024, after a year-long preparation with well over 150 volunteers from Monterey, San Benito, Santa Clara, and Santa Cruz Counties. The voices from the fields blended with all participants and volunteers culminating in a presentation of valuable resources for the well-being and protection of the women and children. As we celebrate Presentation’s 170th Anniversary of our arrival in California, Sisters and Associates of the Sisters of the Presentation provided the opportunity to become more aware of today’s plight of the farmworker and to express our gratitude to these essential workers.
Discover the captivating legacy of Nano Nagle and the Sisters of the Presentation San Francisco in our exclusive feature. From Nano Nagle's humble beginnings as the Lady of the Lantern to the Sisters' unwavering dedication to spreading compassion and hope for 170 years, this story illuminates the path of service and inspiration. Join us as we explore the timeless journey of passing on the torch of hope to future generations and embracing innovation for the future. Read more to uncover the inspiring tale of the Lady with the Lantern and the enduring impact of her mission.
Delve into the rich history of the Sisters of the Presentation as they planted the seeds of education in Seattle. In 1954, their journey began with the establishment of Our Lady of Fatima School, a beacon of knowledge and compassion. Through dedication and service, they nurtured minds until 1969, leaving an indelible mark. Fast forward to 1994, a jubilant celebration marked the school's 40th Anniversary, a testament to their enduring impact. Today, Our Lady of Fatima School stands tall, a testament to the Sisters' unwavering commitment to the community. Journey through time with captivating images capturing moments like Sister Catherine Knudsen guiding First Communion students in 1964, or the vibrant May Procession and Vocation Week festivities in 1960. Join us as we unlock the archives and rediscover the profound legacy of the Sisters of the Presentation.