The Sisters had a joyful time themselves collecting items for children and packing them into boxes to be sent in time for Christmas! This is becoming a much-anticipated annual activity in preparation for the holidays. Click through for more photos.
Every few weeks, Sisters from the Motherhouse deliver blankets to people living on the streets of San Francisco, often in tents. Recently, funds from the Easter Egg Grants provided thirty-five people a new blanket. Donations of blankets in new or gently used condition are welcome, and may be dropped off during business hours at 2340 Turk Blvd. in San Francisco.
The Sisters have been involved in a great deal of work for justice. In this issue of Presentation Roots we highlight justice actions in past Novembers - in 1999 (ritual against the death penalty) and 2004 (protest at the School of the Americas in Georgia).
Each Tuesday, all year long, three or four Presentation Sisters head for their car in the early, dark hours of the morning. The Sisters carry 140 bag lunches that will be dropped off at stops in San Francisco where day laborers are known to congregate in hopes of being hired for short-term work. Started in 1999, the effort now involves dozens of Sisters and volunteers to keep it going strong.
In 1965, the Sisters of the Presentation were beginning their missionary work in Latin America. Sister Ellen Cafferty, Sister Rachel Pinal, Sister Patricia Reinhart, and Sister Joanna Bruno's pictures from foreign missions are featured in a recent edition of Presentation Roots.
Sister Theresa Linehan, SNDdN, a member of the Stockbridge-Munsee Band of Mohican Indians, presented on this year's retreat topic, Native American Spirituality. Associate Paula Johnson was celebrated on her 40th year of membership, and Associate Cathy Pickerel on her 25th.