Lent, the period of time before Easter when Christians step back from normal routine to examine the path their life is taking, is marked by increased prayer, fasting, and giving to those in need. It is a time of clarifying what is important, by reducing distractions and temptations. It is a gift that brings us to Easter with clean hearts and clear vision.
The Sisters of the Presentation in San Francisco have a Lenten tradition of downsizing items in their physical space. You are invited to join them in visiting different areas of your home to see what is no longer needed, what could be more useful to others, or what requires care beyond its true value.
The flyer below is the schedule that was used by the Presentation Sisters and Associates in 2022. It is applicable to a household and to an individual within a household. Feel free to adapt for your own circumstances, and include the family. Our Facebook page listed specific suggestions each Monday during Lent. Follow us to see those in the future: facebook.com/pbvmsf.