The Associates held their annual retreat October 6-8, 2023 at Mercy Center in Burlingame. The topic for this year was Native American Spirituality, facilitated by Sister Theresa Linehan, SNDdN. She is a member of the Stockbridge-Munsee Band of Mohican Indians. Associate Gerry Fagoaga organized the retreat, where the Associates enjoyed comfortable accommodations, great food, and lots of fun fellowship. Associate Paula Johnson was celebrated on her 40th associate membership year, and Associate Cathy Pickerel on her 25th. The presence of the Holy Spirit was experienced throughout the weekend.
"On my way back into the retreat center this morning I spotted a spider web with a spider in the middle of it. I thought of how amazing that the little spider could create such an intricate design. I was sad that I did not have my camera to snap a shot of it. After lunch I went back to take a picture. Because the sunlight was hitting it differently, I could see the spider but not the web. I kept trying to see it from different angles, to no avail. I just had to remember it in my mind's eye and know that it was there.
My lesson? The web of life holding us all together is always there, whether we can see it or not."
Photo: Yolanda Santillan
Breathe into stillness and magic,
the awe of fabrics of nature
making their way through our senses,
saying listen, shush, pay attention,
our Sacredness is speaking.
Grounded to Earth's majestic carpet,
feeling like we could fly, or at least glide,
through this exquisite space, hand in hand,
with all Being and Creation,
our Sacredness is speaking.
Let us Be,
Let us Be in Glory,
Our Sacredness is speaking.
I'm here again, you have not changed.
You receive me again with open arms.
The silence is nature's song!
She invites me to sit and listen.
I know you are welcoming me.
Somebody walks nearby and
I hear the leaves on the floor.
Every little noise I can hear,
there is a call to come and rest
under the shade the trees provide.
Nothing moves, except once in a while
a squirrel goes by, looks at me,
and invites me to follow
and be part of nature's family.
I accept.